Something was happening in this, his prison. It was something of importance for he began to feel a pull. Other than the screams and moans of the tortured, the only sounds Chivas had heard since being cast into the Netherworld were those of his masters.
They had come speaking to him in hushed tones of an approaching assignment. He wanted no task, needed no task. His only goal was to be set free. Free to wreak havoc on mankind. Maiming, raping and murder, causing uncontrolled chaos and destruction to everything in his path.
It was what he had been born to do, if you could call his creation a birth. He had been created and summoned into existence in a magical and spiritual petri dish. The overseers had combined bewitched DNA together with the tortured souls from mystic animals such as the Mammoth Wolf and Dragon of old.
These were then bound together with the destructive forces of nature and the Daemon had been born. He was an almost indestructible killing machine. The Masters used him to collect and deliver the souls of his victims to them in the Lower Earth, more commonly known as the Netherworld.
Chivas could metamorphosis into either the wolf or the dragon. He had the ability to call upon nature to aid him with whatever assistance he may require. The Daemon could move as silent as the serpent and strike with the force and speed of a lightning bolt.
Very seldom had he been put to use however, as he was almost uncontrollable leaving far too much damage and destruction in his wake. Even for the Death Spirits that held this realm. They desired only a slight balance in their favor over the Life Spirits, not the complete desolation of the world.
Middle Earth, where the humans dwelled, was overseen by Mother Nature herself. She held sway in the balance of power. Every now and then she would let the scales tip one way or the other, but not too much nor for too long. Mother was also a formidable rival, one they could ill afford to go against.
Chivas was restrained and magically bound to an iron, grill-like wall. Chains were attached to each arm and leg, spread tight, as well as by the neck and forehead to restrict his range of vision. For extra precaution, he was strapped to the wall by a solid iron band. He had not opened his eyes since arriving here two-hundred years ago.
“It is time my son,” a voice whispered in his ear.
“We will be with you every step of the way,” added another.
He heard the click of a lock being released, felt the chain removed from around his throat. a second snap of a lock, the chains vanished from his arms and legs. A third, and his torso was freed. When the weight of his bonds disappeared, two bright silver orbs appeared as he raised his eyelids.
“Others are being freed as we speak. Each with a specific task, a specific location and a certain amount of souls to gather,” the first voice said.
“Do not exceed this number, including the sacrifices that are named by the humans that are opening the gate to Middle Earth for you,” the second one added.
“And what if I do?” Chivas asked defiantly.
“The consequences will be disastrous for you. You will feel the full torment of the damned upon your return,” came the answer.
“You have your assigned territories in which to wreak your havoc, do not cross into the others zones. when your goal is obtained in one section, move to the next in short fashion,” he was further instructed.
“How many do I get?” Chivas ask eagerly.
“Thirteen for each region. You have four total regions to work through. Return to the gate when finished and we will retrieve you,” the first Master said.
“What about the one that is raising me up?” Chivas questioned further.
“It is a female. She has a few ‘sacrifices’ named already. You will take those as payment for her help in attaining our goals,” the first Master continued. “However, you may kill her first if you wish. Her soul would make an excellent addition to our collection.”
At that moment, he felt the heat of the fire. He heard the ancient Cherokee language of magic being spoken, began to smell the odors of Center Earth. He stepped forward.